Truly Rich Club Sell Alert – Time To Sell This Stock!

Truly Rich Club Sell Alert is one of the newsletter of Bo Sanchez that I always looking forward to because that means members who follow his advise will cash-in their earnings and at the same time invest it to the SAM stocks.

Below is the complete email message of Bo Sanchez, I hide the stock name and will reveal it next month!

Hi Lemuel Levi,

TEL(PLDT) has increased tremendously.

We believe it’s now time to sell.

Why did it go up? There’s a global list of stocks (called MSCI) that is
used as a benchmark for huge foreign mutual funds and exchanged traded
funds (ETFs)—and it increased the “weighting” of TEL, AC, and ALI in the
MSCI Philippine index.

Please sell right away. After August 30, we believe the price may go down

Happy investing!

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez